Events to help fundraising organisations will be posted here prior to the event.
Fun casino's can help to raise money for your registered charity or sports organisation. Below is some information to help you with your decisions on how to run your event. You will notice that we freely offer this information whilst other companies may ask you to call or email them for info. (then they pressure you and bombard you with emails)
Wild Diamonds fun casino will charge you a set fee to provide casino entertainment at your event. Your guests purchase tickets that help cover the event costs. The entrance fee includes some ‘fun money’ for each guest to cash in at the tables for casino chips to get them started. We usually recommend $500.00 each. Once they have spent their free chips, they can then purchase more from one of your staff members for a donation. We will supply you with customised ‘fun money’ for this purpose.
Wild Diamonds Fun casino offers charities and fundraising events at discounted rates between January and October ( inclusive). Our minimum requirement for these rates is 3 tables and we ask that our businesses are considered major sponsors for advertising purposes. We also ask to be included by name in any of your promotional materials when advertising your event. If you dont wish to promote our business then our regular rates will apply.
Some local businesses will sponsor charity evenings. They can do this by sponsoring a casino table (covering the cost). In return you can promote their company on the table or within the room with their signage, or include their names on the event tickets, fun money and / or other brochures etc. Don’t forget to include them in your thank you speech at the end of your event. We also ask to be included as a sponsor in promotions.
The croupiers will encourage players to rebuy when they lose the initial money they get on entry. You should have a set price for guests to buy another note with discount for multiples. Usually it should be 1/4 to 1/3 of ticket price.
Do I need a licence to hold a fun casino?
No licence is required for a fun casino, but there are some very strict rules that are stated by the Queensland Gaming Commission. Please dont ask us to break any of these rules. The penalties can be very high for both the event organiser (us) and the venue.
Please click on the link below which will take you to the Queensland Government website which has 3 pages of printable material relation to Fun Casino events.
Cancer Council
Leukenia Foundation
Sunny Kids
Team Adem
Million Metres for Melanoma
Summer Surf Girl Quest
and many other worthwhile causes including sports clubs and schools.
Wild Diamonds is proud to have been able to work with the following organistions. Please click on the logo to make a donation at thier website.
Million Metres for Melanoma is a group commited to raising funds to fight cancer.
The Sunshine Coast 4xfun event raises money for the Sunnykids Charity
Bribie Golf club holds fund raising eevents for various charities.
Team Adem is a Fund Raising organisation supporting Blood Cancer research
Dragons Abreast is a Dragon Boat racing orgaisation supporting Breast Cancer research